Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Love You 0.274%

Earth Day is nothing more than Valentine's Day for self-righteous lemmings! A day when the world is supposed to stand up, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya while they congratulate each other for being good people. Then, the next day everyone goes back to their normal, selfish ways for another 364 days until Earth Day next year.

A couple years back I went to see Roger McGuinn play a show on what happened to be Earth Day. As I was waiting outside to see the 60's counter-culture icon I saw Steve Wozniak pull up in a fucking Hummer. A Hummer! That was fantastic! It would have been so easy for him to pull up in a Prius and make a show of it. (The gig was in Saratoga after all, and those fuckers are all about big showy insincere gestures.) But, nope, he decided that he didn't care and just did his thing. At least he was being honest. Not like most people.

Over the last week the newspapers have been filled with ads from various retailers and groups touting Earth Day and doing something good for the environment. Target, for one, had eight extra pages in their weekly ad touting what they call "Earth Week." Not because they care seven times as much as everyone else, but because that's how long their sales run. If these people actually cared, none of them would have ads or inserts in this week's paper. Just think about how much paper could have been saved!

But, nope, it's all about Sell, Sell, Sell, and people are fucking stupid! They believe this shit the media is feeding us and buying right into it. Who pays the Media? The corporations who want you to buy their Earth Day products. Better go out and buy the newly packaged dish soap because the Earth is worth saving. For the Children! Give me a fucking break.... some guy at Proctor and Gamble is getting huge bonuses for thinking this shit up, just to turn around and spend it on a couple new Jet Skis that he'll use to tear up the lakes.

Do you really care about something? Then shut the fuck up and do the right thing every day. Every Fucking Day! Because if you do something only one day a year, that is less than 1/3 of one percent of your time. That's pretty much zero, which is likely how much you truly care anyway.

1 comment:

Lance said...

I love you back. Nicely written.