Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shut the fuck up!

OK, so how many times have you gone to a concert just to end up next to some idiot that thinks it is perfectly acceptable to talk during the show. I'm not talking about yelling to the band between songs (although that can be annoying in many cases). I'm talking about the asshole that won't shut the fuck up about this or that while almost everyone else wants to listen to the music. That is until their favourite song is played, in which case they often sing along loudly.

Concert halls with reserved seating should offer a Talking Section, where people can go if they want to talk during the show. This should be a non-reserved seating area to encourage "drop in" guests.

Either that, or sell t-shirts outside the venue. That way these fuckers can just grab a shirt so they can tell everyone they went to the show, and how awesome it was.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

1) You know if there was a talking section, they wouldn't go there...because the talking would disturb them.

2) I like the way you spell favourite. What...do you think you're Canadian or something?