Monday, July 7, 2008

Bloggers - Put out or Shut Up!

Somebody call the Waaambulance!

I'm fucking tired of all the God Damn bloggers out there whining and bitching when things don't go their way.
Why do babysitters charge so much!
Why won't anyone hire me?
I never get any time alone with the kids home.
Why don't they take reservations at Olive Garden?
The DVD player in the Minivan broke!
I can't believe they eliminated Michael on American Idol!

To make matters worse, they are the same people who look away when a real disaster hits, and someone asks for help.

Case in point. My best friend runs a fairly popular blog, that always draws comments. As you might be able to guess from the title, it is focused on parenting and children. So, two weeks ago he sent out a request for donations of any size to help out kids who lost everything in the Iowa floods (1500 miles from where he lives). Guess what. Complete silence. For two weeks there has only been one donation, and one comment. Both by me. So... here is what I propose. should charge every $1 for every Blog entry, and start a COD fund, Children of Disasters.

The money could be spent replacing toys, books, whatever, that get destroyed during disasters such as this, or the New Orleans floods, or the California Wildfires, or, well, you get my point.

I donated $20, so I'm working on credit.

1 comment:

Darren said...

I just came over from Lance's blog. I agree with you on this. There should be some kind of blogging fund. If people even donated the cost of the coffee that they down or the bag of chips that they eat while they're blogging a lot of people could be helped.